In the past, we’ve covered a wide range of topics and given you all sorts of kitchen ideas for your home. Something we consider very important is that you think about how you plan out your new kitchen.
Everyone’s life is different and so are their tastes. Your inspiration for your kitchen should be based on your everyday life. When you plan things out this way, you will get a kitchen as unique as you are!
Planning out your dream kitchen can seem like a daunting task, but can help make things far easier for you today. There are a list of questions you should ask yourself that, when answered, help you to clarify what it is you are personally looking for. Talking with a specialist is certainly a fantastic idea that we recommend, however, it’s always that bit easier for someone to know what they are looking for beforehand.
How many people are in your home?
It’s important for you to be aware of the size and requirements of your kitchen. This is based on who lives in your home and if you have children. If you do have children, how many?
What style of kitchen do you prefer?

While there are so many variations of style and customisation, it’s helpful to know what general look you are leaning towards. There are some great styles to choose from. For example, we work with a diverse set of kitchen design styles such as; Cottage, Modern, and ‘Designer’.
What kind of space are you looking for?

Everyone’s home is different and so are everyone’s tastes. Maybe you are looking to have a compact and storage-efficient kitchen, suiting the size and needs of your house. However, you may also want an open-plan kitchen that connects to your living room.
What kinds of units are you thinking about?

Consider your goal for the kitchen and what kind of units you would like to have installed. For example, this would include; shelving units, cutlery drawers, and pull-out units. Think about the space you will require for storage.
Think about the appliances you will need

A useful way to plan out what kinds of appliances you will want is to divide your interests into ‘small’ and ‘large’. Small appliances, for example, food mixers, juicers, and coffee machines. Large appliances, usually refer to ovens, fridges, built-in hobs, and dishwashers. Certain appliances are of course a must for the kitchen, but others will reflect your personal tastes.
Download our Kitchen Checklist
Simply fill in the checklist together with your family, print it out and use it as a guide when discussing your new kitchen with us.
Try out this free Kitchen Configurator
Get our latest Catalogue Now
Timbercraft has a brand new range of custom German kitchens this year.
Your kitchen is the focal point of your home. After a long day, there’s nothing better than catching up with loved ones in a place that reflects who you and your family are.
Kitchens are always at the centre of life. They are at the heart of the home, a meeting place, a stage for life’s dramas and a round-the-clock restaurant! Because good kitchens have always been a matter of taste, Timbercraft’s kitchens can adapt to suit the demands of your everyday life.
If you need some kitchen inspiration, Timbercraft has just released our latest Kitchen Catalogue to showcase all of the styles, materials and functionality in our latest range of Custom German Kitchens.
View more ideas that combine kitchen, living and dining into one living space. Get your copy of our latest catalogues now!
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